Monday 3 July 2017



Since we last spoke it has been a complete whirlwind. I have my 10 campers and they are all such sweethearts! Even though its been such a short amount of time I feel every single one of these boys have learnt something and are developing. Ranging from everyday manners, ways to talk to each other or even how to fold/tidy clothes and make their bed!

Our cabin is super cute. I had the idea of splitting top and bottom bunks into elephant / hippo group for the shower schedule to make it more fun and it went down a treat! We even made colourful paper cut outs in those shapes to welcome the kids. It was a good job we went the extra mile because the weather over the last few days have been appalling. Eg. Canada was super strange.. Glorious sunshine in the A.M and then a massive thunder storm with lightening the practically shut the camp down. Supervisors and directors were whizzing round in caddies yelling at everyone to take shelter! Unbeknown to myself who at the time was running around like a headless chicken in my full Canadian set up. (fake tattoo sleeve, temp. tattoo on the cheek and a 150 Canada shirt) I. Got. Drenched. Soaked to the skin. But eventually someone caught me and my kids so we jumped under Marks porch (the owner) until it died down and his wife brought us crisps. Not bad.

The kids are so hilarious, so full of energy and life. Paired with their sweet obedient nature, it sets the scene for some fun times. There have been many already! For example the mundane task of getting dressed making beds brushing teeth etc.. in the morning  has now been transformed into the 'Potato Challenge!' We made up a hand shake based on different potato dishes(potato chip = hi-five etc..) which meant that all of a sudden children weren't refusing and getting annoyed but rushing through the step and excitedly asking for their reward!

Another major peak was the best evening cabin activity ever.. The story goes like this. Midway trough the final period of the day there is a thunderstorm so everyone has to run back into their cabins out of the storm. (Me and a couple of the boys were playing football and splashing in the lake at kayaking because they were afraid of the boats. So we were wet already before we had to go inside.) **UPDATE** However some kids disobeyed and decided it would be way more fun to make a mud slide on main field instead! The slide was in direct view of our cabin window so naturally all the boys piled onto the beds by the window and stared out jealously. They wouldn't stop asking to go outside even after we told them the rules so to quiet them down we said that we would consider it if they stopped bugging us! Which worked perfectly because secretly me and my co-counsellor Jonah were plotting a prank after dinner.. After dinner and tuck (candy night) we got all the boys sit down and played up a serious telling off, concluded by... For evening program WE ARE GOING MUD-SLIDING! The boys almost exploded with happiness and excitement, one was crying with joy it was THE highlight of the camp so far.

The only problem was that the sun had started shining after dinner which was causing the slide to dry out. So all the campers and counselors filled up their water bottles (I even filled up the bin in the shower which caused another ripple of excitement) and went out to wet the slide and play. Needless to say we got filthy and they loved it! We also played mud tag and mud ninja games. It was hilarious! And then goodness me the clean up was tricky! Luckily all the boys stuck to their promise of showering (despite some being told to go back in because they were still gross) and we hung out all the dirty clothes and towels but I still had to spend the next day mopping and sweeping for 2 or so hours! Otherwise there was no chance in hell it would get cleaned.

It feels like I've spent forever at camp, but also that time is flying by. Everyone is so nice and getting to know everyone s name around camp is so fun i love it.

Love to my family until next time! xx

1 comment:

  1. So you are teaching the youngsters how to fold clothes and make their funny! You must show us these new skills next time you are home!!! Love you! Sounds like you are having a ball xxx
