Tuesday 25 July 2017

Start Of Session Two!

Today we have not only packed up and said goodbye to 4 phenomenal campers that I love, but we will be welcoming 7 new fresh kids to camp! Since the whole switch over changes the numbers at camp there have been some staff shuffles to correspond with it. So, all my co-counsellors have been moved! Gabor has gone to another fresh kid cabin, and Jonah has been moved on up to sophomore boys (the age group one up from fresh kids, so like 10-13.) Which leaves little old me remaining in F4 cabin in fresh kids with my new co. Jacob. This session brings a host of new kids with even more internationals, so in my cabin we have someone from Israel as well as Shanghai, China. Fun! Its shaping up to be an amazing group to finish up the summer and I still have bags of energy and enthusiasm to carry me through.

Also today, seeing as there are not many (if any) kids to watch over there were some special events around camp. A couple activities open for drop-in sessions and we had Archery District at camp - a Archery Tag company (instead of an arrow head there is a kind of foam marshmallow) so I totally jumped on the oppertunity to play and shoot kids in the face. Incredible fun and I got some epic pictures of me firing multiple arrows at once. Realising my dream of becoming Legolas..

The tanoy has just announced the arrival of the kids in 10 mins! Gtg xxx

1 comment:

  1. Love ya Dude. Makes great reading, although I think Legolarse might be more apt. Enjoy the second half, and next time bloody score you Wazzock. Mwah. Hef
